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✨ Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses ✨

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Philosophical counselling and practises, Practical wisdom, Transformational trainings, Philosophical practises, Empowering life

"Unlocking practices" is totally a very well defined name that expresses the counseling process in the best way. Indeed, this process is not just a therapy, but also can be identified as a way to discover and solve one self

💖  If you are WILLING to

find answers to questions and solutions to your problems, that could be related to any and every aspect of your life and relationships…

👑  If you can be HONEST to yourself...

✨ And if you can PRIORITIZE this issue...

Our Testimonials Do The Talking

Our Word of Mouth Speaks for Itself

Due to confidential purposes, the names are listed as initials.
Thanks for understanding...

‶Unlocking practices" is totally a very well defined name that expresses the counseling process in the best way. Indeed, this process is not just a therapy, but also can be identified as a way to discover and solve one self.
It is a personal journey that is directed to yourself, with the help of a guide. This treatment leads us to realize that the cause of the obstacles in our lives is actually ourselves and these obstacles could only be resolved by ourselves; thus guides us to find out the appropriate ways to do so. In each session, step-by-step I felt more and more content and satisfied.
After the therapy, for many days, I found myself telling about this powerful unlocking practices to all the people I met. Honestly, I think everyone definitely needs to try it.
I am sure you will enjoy your journey.
Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses


‶Believe that I can't believe it!

Such an evolution on my own thinking ability and communication with philosophy! Is unbelievable…


I learned to explore the world of words, concepts and expression with joy, in Philosophical Counseling sessions

facilitated by our esteemed masters.


All the awareness, strength, motivation and equipment that I got from weekly 1-hour sessions, has been allowed me  to live my whole week with a high quality.


Those words and expressions we chose in our minds before they came out of our mouths... How important they are.


With each session, I was able to see more clearly the relationship between my self-expression and communication, the quality of my life, and my actions.

Millions of thanks to Philosophical Counseling approach and to my one and only Riella, My Philosophical Counsellor and Master...

For the improvement in the quality of my relationship with myself and my world. And thanks for helping and empowering me to master my communication skills!" 

Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses


‶When we were in a family crises, we heard about Riella & the Unlocking Practices.


I cannot forget that day, when my husband call for help.

As an affectionate and a bit dramatic mother of a teenager daughter, I was feeling that nothing can help me at that day.

Our daughter was crying almost nonstop for 3 days, she was hating me and everything about me.

She refused to talk to me, go to school and even to eat.


Riella accepted us for an emergency session, it was mind-blowing and liberating. Thanks to the authentic philosophical technique, I realised it is possible to fix our relationship, it is not the end of the world. Thanks to the philosophical questions, I felt empowered to make little changes in my attitude and communication with my daughter. Within 2 week, I started to rebuild my self confidence as a mum and affectionate relationship with my teenager. She also had a Philosophical Counseling session and, unbelievably, joy and peace in our family came back instantly. Strongly recommended to open-minded parents and their children.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez


When I was asked: ‶There is such a thing as philosophical counselling, do you want to try it?

I cannot describe the sense of fulfilment and inner confirmation I felt.


Finally, being able to ask my questions to philosophy and philosophical wisdom; gave me hope that

I could find guidance that I had searched for all my life and could not find in any other counselling approach…


Even thinking about what Philosophical Counseling could be made me very curious and excited.


The kindness and understanding I encountered when I got in touch with Unlocking Practices, strengthened my inner confirmation that I was on the right track.

When I was told about the client suitability, that Philosophical Counseling approach may not be suitable for everyone, also gave me a lot of confidence. The client eligibility criteria were presented to me with very skilful questions. I suggest you to experience that state of being able to say YES! YES! YES!

Because it is a very deep, sensitive and personal experience.


My question was clear, my problem was very explicit when I started the first session...

My counsellor has shed light on my assessment of this problem from very different perspective...


The astonishing philosophical counselling method, I could say, an indescribable and experienceable approach, enabled me to find my answers easily and confidently.


I understood immediately from the first meeting; counselling with philosophy, communicating with philosophy, listening with philosophy, thinking with philosophy, feeling with philosophy, taking action with philosophy, getting results with philosophy, living with philosophy... That's what brought me here!

I am very grateful!


While learning to play the game of life, with the answers and competences that I received from sessions, I realised that the life partner I was looking for was actually myself.


This awareness had a very rapid effect on my way of thinking, my emotions, and my behaviours. I would also like to share that, before the second session, a month later, (so confident in myself and that this approach is working), I found my life partner with similar qualities as me! It will sound crazy, but we got married in 4 months, I feel happier and more complete than I have ever been... I highly recommend this approach to those who have problems in this subject and those who have problems in any subject..." 

Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses
Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses



‶The road to Narnia is hidden in a closet.

Alice falls into the hole, Harry Potter goes through the wall.

What to do is simple.


To see the world different from the one we live in, necessitates to follow a different path.


This path is personal and private.


It was the change of perspective that made the Renaissance renaissance; To reach your own Leonardo, it is necessary to follow the masters who change your perspective. It was possible for me to get to know a different reality, with a mentor named Riella.


During my Philosophical Counseling process, my mentor taught me:


There are other worlds and it was necessary to learn to develop our thinking skills to connect with those worlds. By looking at my world and worldview from different perspectives, I can choose what I want and who I want to be. From some perspectives I can be miserable, loser, victim; from the other perspective I am the achiever, winner and hero of my own life. This look was both self-acceptance and progress.


This wise experience is like being in Da Vinci's brain or having dinner with God. We are not inferior to anyone, nor are we superior to anyone. It was a step towards greatness and it was the epitome of continuous improvement.



"When we face the darkest parts of life, on a deep emotional level, we wish for an answer, a solution,

a hero, a savior, or a “key”. That was the exact state of mind I had when I contacted Riella for the first time.


Before starting our journey with her, I was sure that Unlocking Practices  would provide me the “key”

that I needed. However, Unlocking Practices have taught me that everyone has their own key and

the only limit is the one you set yourself.


As well said by many, gratitude is the best attitude. I am grateful to Riella for reminding me who I am and helping me to regain my power.

I am truly blessed to have her in my life.


If you need guidance to find your key and unlock your potential, do yourself a favor.

Step up and contact with Unlocking Practices!" 

Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses


“I should confess that I had very strong and deep lock in my life where I could have never imagined that

they might be solved…

When I first talked with Riella, I was feeling very lost about what I want to do in my life and especially in Israel.

Although I had a degree and a job, I was very unsatisfied from all.


I was also unhappy in romantic relationship; actually I never had a stable and good love life.

In 2-3 month period, Riella was my life coach, and thanks to her unbelievable techniques, I created miracles in my life and  in myself.

Today I can proudly say that I know what I want to do in my life, I started to a great business with totally satisfying conditions and I have meaning in my life.


Also, at the end, I solved the rooted obstacle regarding partnership issue and currently I have an amazing relationship where we are very happy.

This is for you whom have a question or problem in life: I sincerely recommend you to contact with Riella. If you have chance she will accept to be your life-coach.

I am just THANKFUL!" 

Unlocking Practices has worked with some of the best clients to solve problems and develop their businesses

Ready to book your Philosophical Counselling appointment?


Because we know that only those who take action can have the results.


It is POSSIBLE FOR YOU to choose to improve the quality of your life, develop your thinking and communication skills, and accomplish your potential!

How about choosing to take action?

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